Earn money while making a difference
Want to make massive affiliate money and help create a better world?
For each new customer you send our way, iWorker will pay you $100 USD or give you 15 free hours with a Virtual Assistant. You’ll also be helping to create dignified, well-paying jobs for professionals in economically impoverished countries. Sound like a win-win? It is. iWorker has by far the most lucrative affiliate deal of any comparable company.
So to whom can you market iWorker? Well, just about anyone who might be looking to scale up their business, decrease their busywork, or better organize their life by having a remote worker (or two) by their side. For more inspiration about what jobs remote workers often do, take a look at the Our Areas of Expertise section on our home page. In short, the market for those who would benefit from a remote worker is enormous – and, as such, so are the opportunities for generating affiliate revenue.

How It Works
Signing up to our Affiliate Program is quick and easy. Just fill out the contact information below and create a username and password. You’ll then be given a unique affiliate link (e.g. something like iworker.co/j932). When you promote that link (on your blog, on Facebook, on your website, etc), every person who clicks it to check out iWorker.co will be assigned a cookie that is automatically associated with your affiliate account. Then, if that person becomes a customer, we’ll credit your account with $100 USD or give you 15 hours free with a Virtual Assistant. It’s simple, really.
We pay out to you weekly via Paypal.
In the context of our Affiliate Program, a “customer” is someone who pays for $150 or more worth of hours. But don’t worry. Over 97% of our customers pay for more than $150 of work. So anyone who signs up using your link is very, very likely to turn into $100 in affiliate earnings for you.